Ants are pests that can cause a lot of damage in your home if you let them take over. There are different varieties of ants, some that can chew through the wood on your home and others that will just create paths to food and water while digging tunnels beneath your crawl space or squeezing into holes in your foundation to get inside. You may find these ants in your pantry, your stove, or your microwave looking for food.
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Did you know that pests also consider your warm home a suitable environment? As you do your best to keep pests away, it's good to know that pests could also be doing their best to invade it. Unfortunately, most homeowners just think of the pest control treatments or techniques they could use to kill pests upon an infestation. And although it's a good idea, it's also good to think about how the pests may have gained entry.
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Bees aren't exactly a pest, but they can be a nuisance and dangerous if there is a large nest nearby and you are allergic. Bees can only sting once and then they die, but in large quantities, and if you're stung by more than one bee, it can be very dangerous. Bees serve a purpose in our world and need to be protected, so if you have them in your yard or if there is a nest located too close to your home, it should be safely removed.
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If you have termites on the outside of your home, it can be a major issue, but if you have them beneath your home, it can be a disaster. These pests may go unnoticed for some time because they are under your home and they may not be as visible as they are when they are all outside. These pests can be more than just a simple nuisance, they can cause so much damage that your home could be rendered unlivable.
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Your chimney is useful to remove the smoke from your home when you have a fire in your fireplace. It's open at the top to allow the smoke to leave your home, but it shouldn't be open enough for pests to get inside. Over time, the wire around the chimney may end up disintegrating and can leave your chimney open for all types of pests to get inside. One pest that may be in your chimney is bats.
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